Saturday, November 13, 2010

Elegant Wrapping Paper

to date have incubated more than 500 000 sea turtle eggs. Marine pollution, fisheries, construction, and extraction of eggs seriously threaten your life.
In one hand you can hold several baby turtles flapping nonstop, is the survival instinct that guides them into the sea.

But before being released from the pens, Caregivers kept with some water in a gourd, so splash make a constant noise. Turtles are eager to reach the ocean where they will begin their new life.
They are the hope and the fruit of a major conservation work to prevent the extinction of this animal, which is in the Salvadoran coast an ideal habitat for nesting.

In order to protect sea turtles Ministries of Environment and Agriculture established, on February 13, 2009, a total and permanent ban on the consumption of sea turtle and all its products.
This includes the extraction, sale, possession and consumption of eggs.
The decree has led to many problems for egg collectors, the famous turtle. For many this was one of their main livelihood.
"The problem is that the ban is not met because people for years has been living off this. If the state said it's going to get a job for these people to work and has no need to go find those eggs ... people do not do it because you like it, some are shot five six sleepless nights and is not none, "says Boanerges Lovo, a former turtle and nurseries now also to be the president of ADESCO on the island of Montecristo, in the coastal area of \u200b\u200bUsulután.


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