Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tiffany's Christmas Commercial

Transformers: some consequences ... and inconsistencies

Lways S called me powerful attention to the impact of the movie "Transformers (Transformers) in Honduras. The truth is I do not know if the impact is similar to that produced in the rest of Central and Latin America ... but I assure you that this is something brutal. During its premiere in theaters crowded feasted masks and bowls of popcorn for the event, selling marketing items, and generally lived the Hollywood style. So far more or less normal. But signs were not that ... Several years later, it is difficult to see traffic lights distinctive cars with transformers, articles Toy for children everywhere, pastries on the "groceries", or even to repair some compu I have received and which had been decorated with all the imagery of alien robots. And the last straw, a couple of days before we circulated a huge all-terrain (not cheap) carrying one of its crystals after a pegate calling so much attention, although I could not photograph, I Google was forced to post to confirm that yes ... exist: that there is at least one Christian group "The CRISTIANBOTS-religious advertising that have been designed with this theme. As you read:

And I, who from time then I see the emotional stability needed to swallow a movie-style "Michaelbayano" or "Rolandemmerichiano" ... I have taken the opportunity, once because the passing on TV, and another because I fell into his nostrils the avi file, for viewing and judging and what is so much expectation and so successful.

And after viewing, I can conclude that:

- Our cultural values \u200b\u200bare no longer in outright recession. Have collapsed altogether.

- The best of the movies is the decoration. And I speak from the stage, talk about Megan Fox

- The second best is that it will end some day and cease to be profitable franchise. In other words, they are finite space-time dimension. Or at least I hope so.

- And most disturbing, a gnawing doubt and do not let me sleep: If the 1 st was a villain robot, which after a lot of work manage to get off ... and the same, after being revived, is also the villain of the second movie ... forgive me, but the writers are jerks. Who comes to mind, if you have an ultra-evil robot who want off forever ... pouring into the Marianas Trench and put a couple of nuclear submarines, paid from public funds in a crisis-a watch, because ... "It would have been much easier to melt and make screws or better yet, beer cans?? Or is that these ideologues were not cheesy Terminator? Huh?


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