Chascomús NGO Care for continuing its struggle towards the elimination of open dumps in that city. In press release, the organization said that " In light of the events of the past years in terms of environment, where there is an absence of health policy due to lack of political will to address a program of treatment of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in our city, has led us a situation that led to three fundamental problems. "
"Lack of education in society (producers, traders and consumers) regarding the care of their own environment, lack of investment by the municipal state to protect the environment from contamination, and huge growth open dumps, añdieron.
also referred to the role of the state, noting that "Waste Management is the development of strategies to find solutions to these problems, a strategy in which each actor (producer of goods and services, and consumer) and every political actor (government official) to take on the responsibility that belongs to promote social, technological and economic development, preserving the health of its people and care for the environment, the heritage of all community. In short, working for a better quality of life of the neighbor in the context of sustainable development policies. "
In this regard, adding that "the municipal state must establish a planned strategy which is underpinned by three basic lines of action, namely: prevention: reducing the quantity and hazardous waste, protection: promoting recovery and recycling of waste materials, scheduling the collection, selection and safe disposal of what is not recyclable, sanitation: eradicating the garbage and any other form of contaminated land that conforms to the standards accepted by the environmental community. "
About open dump exists in Chascomús, secured "It is the most important source of contamination that has the district. Laziness, inefficiency and today has forgotten an important region of Chascomús to be exposed to diseases, pollution of air, soil and water. "
In this situation, members of "Care Chascomús" wondered "who is responsible for much damage?, Who is responsible for so many years of neglect in this area? Can we be one day: 'Chascomús, litter-free city'?. The answer is no. The duration of this order of things. No. "
From this NGO works for the welfare of citizens, asked the municipal authorities to conduct a remedial and preventive work without waiting another minute.
Chascomús - NGOs seek the eradication Municipal landfill final open
NGO Chascomús Take care, "asks local authorities to conduct a remedial and preventive work without waiting a minute, setting a points its basic request: Set a date for final elimination of open dumps. "
noted in a lengthy document Chascomús the NGO Care for continuing to work towards the elimination of open dumps in our city and that "in light of the events in recent years in terms of environment, where the absence of health policy due to lack of political will to address a program of Urban Solid Waste Treatment in our city has led to a situation that led to three fundamental problems. " More print edition.
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